RSMS를 준비하는 분들에게 희소식!!
예전에는RSMS의 Direct Entry 신청시 Trade직종인 경우 학력조항은 Certificate III 이던Certificate IV이상의 학위이상이던2년의 On-the-job training이 필요 요구 사항이었는데요. 지난 2014년12월에 MRT에서 Certificate IV이상 학위소지자에게는 2년의 on-the-job training을 요구하는 규정은 현행법의 범위를 벗어난 규정이라 판결됨으로써on-the-job training을 준비하시 않아도 되게 되었니다. 그렇지만 여전히 Certificate III를 취득한다면 2년의 On-the-job-training은 요구되어짐을 알려드립니다.
예를들면 Cook으로써 RSMS를 Direct entry로 신청시 Certificate III in commercial cookery학위소지자는 2년의 on-the-job-training이 필요하지만 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery인 경우 2년의on-the-job-training경력은 요구되지 않습니다.
RSMS(S/C187)-2 year work experience requirement removed
RSMS with direct entry pathway required 2 year mandatory work experience for the most trade occupations. For holder of Certificate IV qualification or above was still mandatory requirement to meet qualification for RSMS. In December 2014 MRT found that 2 year on-the-job-training requirement did not meet the purpose of the legislative requirement if the applicant has Certificate IV or over. However, 2 year work experience is still mandatory requirement for Certificate III holder.
For example, if you apply RSMS as cook and hold certificate III in commercial cookery, 2 year on-the-job-training is required. However, if you complete Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery, the work experience is not required.
예전에는RSMS의 Direct Entry 신청시 Trade직종인 경우 학력조항은 Certificate III 이던Certificate IV이상의 학위이상이던2년의 On-the-job training이 필요 요구 사항이었는데요. 지난 2014년12월에 MRT에서 Certificate IV이상 학위소지자에게는 2년의 on-the-job training을 요구하는 규정은 현행법의 범위를 벗어난 규정이라 판결됨으로써on-the-job training을 준비하시 않아도 되게 되었니다. 그렇지만 여전히 Certificate III를 취득한다면 2년의 On-the-job-training은 요구되어짐을 알려드립니다.
예를들면 Cook으로써 RSMS를 Direct entry로 신청시 Certificate III in commercial cookery학위소지자는 2년의 on-the-job-training이 필요하지만 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery인 경우 2년의on-the-job-training경력은 요구되지 않습니다.
RSMS(S/C187)-2 year work experience requirement removed
RSMS with direct entry pathway required 2 year mandatory work experience for the most trade occupations. For holder of Certificate IV qualification or above was still mandatory requirement to meet qualification for RSMS. In December 2014 MRT found that 2 year on-the-job-training requirement did not meet the purpose of the legislative requirement if the applicant has Certificate IV or over. However, 2 year work experience is still mandatory requirement for Certificate III holder.
For example, if you apply RSMS as cook and hold certificate III in commercial cookery, 2 year on-the-job-training is required. However, if you complete Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery, the work experience is not required.